
Advanced Twitter Strategies Staggered Recurring Posts with Tweet Later

My favorite tool for managing Twitter is Tweet Later. Let's face it – having lots of followers is great, but if you don't update your Twitter account often, then you are not really going to receive much benefit from having your account. It cannot be something that you update once a day or just whenever you air swimmers feel like it. By its very definition, Twitter requires constant updates. Iphone 4s Game Controller And that is exactly the function that Tweet Later provides for you.With Tweet Later, your tweets can be configured to be recurring, and they can be spinnable. The tweets are recurring because Tweet Later will automatically post them multiple times over a pre-set interval. Great concept, but if you leave it at that, you're going to have a whole lot of repeated tweets, which is really not good. That's where the “spinnable" part comes in. By spinnable, I mean that the software creates a tweet dynamically from text alternatives that your provide.The following example will make it more clear:My business is great.:Great is my business.:Grapes are my business.}I hope your tweets are better than this. Tweet Later will pick one of the options at random and post it to your account at a particular set interval.If you set up a minimum of ten spinnable tweets as shown above, that would represent 30 possible total tweets that would be submitted at various times. Whether or not you have time to actually log into your account, Tweet Later will do it for you.One issue with pre-loading your tweets is that over time you will start having a lot of duplicate tweets. You cannot just set up tweets and then forget about it.Periodically log into your Tweet Later account and perform the following actions:1. Add some new spinnable tweets.2. Extend the time between recurrences of tweets that are more than two weeks old.3. Any tweet more than two or three months old should be turned off.What you're doing is staggering your tweets so that the older a tweet gets, the less frequently it is used.Give your setup the eyeball test by just going to your Twitter page and seeing how unique your tweet list looks. Many repeated tweets is a signal that your strategy needs refinement. Follow the advice in this article and your account will seem very natural.

